- Considering the general market situation, your price quotations are too high. 考虑到市场的一般形势,贵公司的报价单是太高了。
- Conversely,if our conclusion unearths new information from the general market,we may have discovered something interesting here. 相反的,如果我们的结论是超出一般观点,那我们可能有所发现。
- PCs are the general market, but people who love computer games make up a small market niche for super-fast computers with special controllers. 个人电脑是个大市场,但爱好电脑游戏的人们形成了一个对具备特殊控制器的超高速电脑有着需求的小型缝隙市场。
- According to the general theory of the marketing strategy, a research on marketing environment of Pharmaceuticals and marketing mode of PoMs in China has been made. 本文从营销战略的一般理论出发,对我国目前医药产品营销环境及处方药营销策略进行了讨论。
- He reckons that although prices have dropped within the naturist community, the fall is not as steep as in the general market. 他估计,尽管裸体社区内的房价有所下降,但其下降幅度并不像一般市场那样剧烈。
- Combining with the particularity of PoMs and general marketing theory, the marketing strategy has been discussed in four aspects : product differentiating, pricing, designing marketing channels and promoting. 根据处方药市场的特殊性,结合一般营销理论,从产品及产品差异化、定价、渠道和促销四个方面探讨了处方药的营销策略。
- The bidding mechanism theory of the generation market and bidding strategy theory of IPP(Independent Power Producer) under the PX(Power Exchange) mode is focused in the thesis. 本文研究电力交易中心PX(Power Exchange)模式下的电力市场竞价机制,主要包括竞价交易算法和独立发电商策略竞价理论两个方面。
- Our company is the distribution of the mode of operation, can effectively reduce expenses, so our products than the general market price is lower. 我们公司是经销部的经营方式,能有效的减小开支,所以我们的产品要比一般市场价要低。
- There are also times when they can run parallel to the general market as shown in the charts of the NASDAQ and the Amex Gold Bugs Index (HUI) this year. 也好几次他们和一般市场平行走势,就像下面图显示的NASDAQ和HUI。
- Gunner Jones was praised by the general. 炮手琼斯受到了将军的表扬。
- The general decided to fly up to see his soldiers. 将军决定飞向北部去看看他的士兵们。
- I wish they will hold off their market strategy plan until after we have seer the result of research and development. 在我们知道研究发展结果以前,我倒希望他们延缓行销计划的实施。
- The general has taken the helm of the states. 这位将军掌握了国家领导权。
- He was appointed the general consul of Japan. 他被任命为驻日本的总领事。
- In addition to creating the ads for the general market, Carmichael Lynch also became the media planning and buying agency for Subaru, assuming those duties from an Omnicom media agency, Prometheus. ??? 卡米高林奇除了为斯巴鲁做针对普通市场的广告;也承担了媒体设计和购买代理商的工作;试想一下如果由普罗米休斯的奥姆尼康媒体代理商承担这些职责.
- In the army, the general takes rank of the colonel. 在军队里,将军较上校有优先权。
- The general effect of the painting is overwhelming. 这幅画给人总的印象是很有气势。
- The general's speech infused keenness into the men. 将军的演讲给人们注入了激情。
- Your logic is very near our way of putting things; first the original wide market target and smowly exploring the secondary niches, usually with better margins than the general market. 你们公司的运作方式跟我们所预想的市场推广方式十分相同;即第一脚先打开现有的市场;然后再逐脚开发一些高端产品;因为对于市场来讲;通常周边市场利润率要好过普遍的市场水平.
- A lucrative income; a lucrative marketing strategy. 一笔利润收入; 一套赢利的市场策略